
A study conducted by The American Journal of Emergency Medicine showed an estimated 195,100 individuals were treated at U.S. emergency departments for snow shovel related incidents during the study period. Injuries to the lower back accounted for 34% of the cases and cardiac-related visit accounted for 7% including 1,647 deaths. The SafetyShovel strives to help mitigate this risk.

The innovative display allows users to set a "Do Not Exceed" weight limit and an alarm sounds when exceeded.

Additional functionality includes "Total Weight Moved", "Calories Burned," and "SQF Shoveled". Bluetooth connection to a mobile app is a future planned capability.

The SafetyShovel development process continues to evolve with two prototypes recently built. If you would like to join me on this journey to continue refining, and ultimately moving to production, please reach out! Contact me for additional supporting data such as recommended weight limits, market potential, and future SafetyShovel variants. Best Regards, Jeff